for Congress

Common Sense Leadership for Central Ohio







Pat Tiberi's



2006 Hartford






Survey Results 





1.     How would you rate President Bush’s performance during his six years in office?


 33.3%   Excellent

 26.2%  Good

 22.2%  Fair

 18.3%  Poor                                                   


2.     Should Congress pass legislation giving the President the ability to veto individual items in large pieces of legislation, also known as “line item veto” authority?


 78.2%   Yes

 21.8%   No                                                      


3.  Given our increasing reliance on foreign oil and the high cost of gas, should Congress pass legislation that would allow for oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska?


74.2%  Yes

25.8% No                                                      


4.  About 90% of Medicare beneficiaries have signed up for Medicare’s prescription drug coverage.  Judging by either your own personal experience or by what you have heard from others, has the Medicare prescription drug program provided meaningful financial help to seniors for their drug costs? 


60%  Yes, it has been helpful

40%  No, it has not helped                           


5.      Should huge retailers such as Wal-Mart or Home Depot be allowed to offer consumer banking services?


 53%   Yes, more competition will lead to better rates and services


 47%  No, these companies are too big already                



6.  Recent news reports indicate that it costs more to produce a penny now than a penny is worth.  Is it time the government found a way to phase out use of the penny?


31.6%  Yes

68.4%  No                                                      


7.     What do you think about the issue of global warming?


      50%    It’s a catastrophe in the making

                that must be addressed now.


     30.4% It may be a problem but it needs

                 more study


    10.8% It is not a problem at all

    8.8% I know nothing about it                      




8.     The current federal minimum wage stands at $5.15 an hour, and has not been increased since 1997.  Do you believe it should be increased?


 53.6% Yes                                                  

 46.4% No


  9.   What is the single, most important thing Congress should do to address the issue of illegal immigration?


50.8%  Secure our borders


28.5%  Provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the United States


20.7%  Create a guest worker program for immigrants



10. A year from now, do you believe you and your family will be better off than you are today?



 58.9% Yes

 41.1%  No                                                 






      Survey consisted of 126 respondents over the course of the 2006 Hartford Fair


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Dublin Granville Rd.
Suite 2000
Columbus, Ohio 43229


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