Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:28 AM
Eric Brown
Some are calling for an investigation into ACORN after 11 people were arrested in Florida who are suspected of voter fraud and other reported shady dealings.
12th District Congressman Pat Tiberi is co-sponsoring the Defund ACORN Act, a bill that would prevent ACORN from receiving anymore American taxpayers’ money.
“There has been a bill introduced by Republican Party leader John Boehner that would cease all ACORN funding whether its federal or pass through state and local funding.”
Tiberi says it would block all money at the federal and local levels.
Tiberi says ACORN uses money they receive from the government for political purposes as well.
“They’ve used it tom run ads against me, which is just outrageous. They pull money down to state governments across the country and local governments across the country, but they are really federal dollars that they are pulling down through these governments.”
Tiberi also commented on the fact that it’s unfortunate that Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina was formally disciplined for his comment during President Obama’s speech on healthcare.
“We’ve had instances over the last few years where members walked out on President Bush, turned their back on President Bush during a State of the Union address. I don’t think that decorum is appropriate either, and they never apologized. Joe actually apologized within an hour.”
Tiberi also thinks that it’s unfortunate that Democrats including former President Jimmy Carter are making it a race issue.