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Pat Tiberi, the 12th District's next Congressman!

Read about Pat's win....


All aboard the Person-to-Person Express!

The reaction from voters during Pat's caravan bus tour of the 12th District last weekend was overwhelming.  Tiberi and troops stormed 13 communities in 2 days meeting with voters and going door-to-door.


Quotes of the Week

“Our decision comes down to who will represent the west half of Licking County, a factor we hope independent voters will strongly consider.

In that race, Tiberi is miles ahead of O'Shaughnessy.”

 Endorsement Editorial

The Newark Advocate

October 19, 2000



"The Northland News believes Pat Tiberi, 37, a lifelong Northland area resident and state representative from the 26th House District since 1993, is best prepared to serve residents of the 12th District."

"One of the important things that distinguishes Tiberi from O'Shaughnessy is his depth of knowledge of the entire district ......"

Editorial Endorsement 

Suburban Newspapers Publication

October 25, 2000


Around the District on the Person-to-Person Express!


Delaware County

Pat spends  Saturday afternoon of the Person to Person Tour talking with folks in downtown Delaware City.


Franklin County

Morning of the bus tour, Pat grabs a cup of coffee and visits with citizens of Westerville.


Licking County

After a terrific morning in Gahanna, Johnstown and Granville, the caravan stops to have lunch at the Pioneer Restaurant, Utica.



Paid for and Copyright by Tiberi 2000,

John and Karen Kasich, Co-Chairmen


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