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[Suburban News Publications (Fall)] [Newark Advocate]

[Columbus Dispatch Endorsement] [Fraternal Order of Police] [Ohio Society of CPAs] [NFIB]

[Law Enforcement Alliance of America] [Suburban News Publications]

[Delaware Gazette] [Congressman John Kasich] [Senator Gene Watts] [60 Plus Association]


            "SNP believes Pat Tiberi, 37, a lifelong Northland area resident and state representative from the 26th House District since 1993, is best prepared to serve residents of the 12th District.

            One of the important things that distinguishes Tiberi from O'Shaughnessy is his depth of knowledge of the entire district, which includes northeast Franklin County, all of Delaware County, and the western half of Licking County.

            From his position in the House he has been able to work with local officials and residents of many Central Ohio communities, developing a reputation for fairness and responsiveness. He knows what issues concern local governments because he has been directly involved with them. We believe he will continue that pattern of involvement and accessibility if elected to Congress."

Editorial Endorsement 

Suburban Newspapers Publication

October 25, 2000

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            "Our decision (to endorse Tiberi) comes down to who will best represent the west half of Licking County, a factor we hope independent voters will strongly consider.


            In that race, Tiberi is miles ahead of O’Shaughnessy.


            Tiberi has spent countless hours in Licking County meeting with community leaders, attending events and learning what is important to our citizens.  We were impressed with his knowledge of local issues, including downtown Newark, which is just outside of his district.  He’s also worked to assist citizens from a congressional office before.


            It’s not surprising O’Shaughnessy has spent more time in Columbus.  That’s where her support is strongest and Tiberi’s weakest.  But, in our opinion, she has virtually ignored western Licking County during this race.


            If you’re on the fence in this race, we recommend Tiberi.”


Editorial Endorsement

The Newark Advocate

October 19, 2000

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".....[Pat] Tiberi, a lifelong resident of the 12th District who knows its constituents well and has represented many of them during his four terms in the Ohio House of Representatives.

His work there has been characterized by professionalism and the ability to navigate the General Assembly's legislative rapids with skill and decorum, earning him the position of majority leader, the third-ranking leadership position in the House.

Yet, even as he worked well with his colleagues, earning their respect and allegiance, he has struck out in an independent vein. 

.....Aside from his considerable legislative experience, which includes writing measures that created a DNA database to track violent criminals and that require performance audits for Ohio's 21 urban school districts, Tiberi has assembled a considerable record of civic involvement."

Endorsement Editorial

The Columbus Dispatch 

Sunday, October 8, 2000

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“I would be hard-pressed to think of an Ohio legislator who has done more for law enforcement than Pat Tiberi. Police officers in Central Ohio and throughout the state are grateful for his hard work.”  

William Capretta

President of the Capital City Lodge

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“Pat understands that small businesses are the foundation of the economic health of our nation. Pat has been a great leader in the Ohio House and he’ll be an equally great leader in Congress.”

J. Clarke Price


Ohio Society of CPAs

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“The death tax literally taxes family business, and farms right out of the family, and we applaud Pat for his leadership in calling for its repeal.”

Jack Faris, President

National Federation of Independent Businesses

June 29, 2000

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“[Pat] Tiberi has worked tirelessly in the Statehouse on important legislation, including tort reform, and is not beholden to powerful special-interest groups.  Recent attack ads against him have relied on gross exaggerations and distortions of his political record.”

 Endorsement Editorial

The Columbus Dispatch

March 5, 2000

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"District 12 voters interested in personal safety, fairness for victims’ families, and the well being of America’s cops deserve a U. S. Representative in our nation’s capital dedicated to the protection of honest citizens, not the coddling of criminals. You [Pat Tiberi] stand head and shoulders above your opponents when it comes to your commitment to the men and women in blue who put their lives on the line for public safety."

James J. Fotis

Executive Director

Law Enforcement Alliance of America

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September 25, 2000

“While Tiberi’s campaign stationary lists a number of elected officials as part of ‘Tiberi 2000,’ the candidate reaches beyond traditional party lines.”


J. Holly Dolloff

Suburban News Publications

November 17, 1999

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“[State Representative Jon] Peterson lauded [Pat] Tiberi for ‘unimpeachable high character and integrity…qualities that are lacking in many.’”


Jesse Carter

The Delaware Gazette

August 3, 1999

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“-[Pat Tiberi] possesses the energy, enthusiasm and creativity to represent the people of Central Ohio into the new century.”


Congressman John Kasich

The Columbus Dispatch

September 12, 1999

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“Pat ran a spirited and aggressive campaign and quite simply earned this triumph.  I assure him that he has my full support in the general election, and I urge all those who supported me to join his effort.”


Senator Gene Watts

This Week Newspapers

March 7, 1999

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"His positions make me confident he will be dedicated to his efforts to help senior citizens."

Jim Martin, President

60 Plus Association 

September 27, 2000

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Paid for and Copyright by Tiberi 2000,

John and Karen Kasich, Co-Chairmen


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