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Tiberi Receives National Senior Citizen's Award (Sept. 27, 2000)
Fraternal Order of Police Endorses Tiberi (Sept. 5, 2000)
Ohio Society of CPA's Endorse Tiberi for Congress (August 28, 2000)
Tiberi Praises Effort to Pass Healing at Home Act (August 8, 2000)
Tiberi Campaign Surpasses $1.56 million in total contributions (July 14, 2000)
Tiberi Pledges Fight to Return Power to 12th District (July 8, 2000)
Tiberi Proposes that Death Tax Be Sent to Grave (June 29, 2000)
Tiberi improves on early lead... (Oct. 2).
Unfamiliar with the candidates, voters lean Tiberi's Way (Sept. 4)
Tiberi closes money gap with O'Shaughnessy in 12th District (July 19)
Tiberi cranks up fund raising in 12th Congressional District race (July 15)
Congressional race shaping up as $2 million battle (April 18)
Armey marshals support, cash for Tiberi (March 21)
Tiberi, Pryce win primary battles (March 8)
Paid for and Copyright by Tiberi 2000,
John and Karen Kasich, Co-Chairmen
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